Podcasters Patrick and Flo have experienced firsthand what it’s like to grow up in a less open society, and what it’s like to come out as LGBTQ+.
Business Snapshot: Stadt.Land.Schwul
- Location: Berlin, Germany
- Industry/Product: Podcasting
- Who’s behind it: Patrick, sex therapist & Flo, nurse
- Founded: 2019
- What we’re proud of: We can get people to think about issues they wouldn’t otherwise think about.
- Our career summed up in a film title: Dirty Dancing. Because we’re having the time of our lives!
They didn’t know each other back then, but both felt that their sexual orientation wasn’t welcomed. Discrimination and lack of understanding pushed them to look for a new home in colorful Berlin. That’s where they met eight years ago, and they’ve been close friends ever since. And now, they’re the minds behind one of the most famous queer podcasts in Germany.
The concept: Share information in a fun way
As colorful, urban, queer, and diverse as the capital is, Flo and Patrick say: “We live in a bubble! There are still a lot of prejudices.” Knowing that there is still little acceptance and information for queer people living in some rural areas, they started their passion project two years ago: a podcast called Stadt.Land.Schwul. (The name is a play on the game Name, Place, Animal, Thing, and literally translates to ‘City. Country. Gay’.)
Flo and Patrick started by recording their own chats. Since then, the two have been talking about whatever crosses their minds: gender, transvestism, rainbow families. They always address the topics with a good dose of humor and without holding back.
This is what defines Stadt.Land.Schwul. Patrick and Flo do educational work. But because of the friendly conversations, it doesn’t feel like a school lesson.

The online version of your trendy local bar
The main reason it works so well is that Patrick and Flo often have different views. “Even within the scene, there are different opinions on a lot of topics. We always say: we’re both under the rainbow, but Flo’s at one end and I’m at the other.”
With the polarizing topics that come up in Stadt.Land.Schwul, it’s no wonder. There have been heated discussions between the two of them when it comes to whether the natural gender is what you’re born with, or whether cis-hetero people should be allowed to play queer characters in films. Don’t worry if you’re not familiar with the issues. All topics are clearly explained in an entertaining way.
But there are also serious topics such as sex work or sexually transmitted diseases. Patrick and Flo either discuss their own experiences or invite friends, acquaintances, or specialists to share their knowledge.
Stadt.Land.Schwul wants to “meet their audience where they are”, both mentally and physically. Patrick and Flo are often out and about with their microphones at events and festivals. They take their listeners with them in the truest sense of the word. Their motto: Don’t just be there, get immersed in it. “Many of our listeners don’t have the opportunity or the confidence to take part in such festivities.” This gives many people the chance to catch a breath of queer air for the first time.

The goal is not to share just one opinion
The aim of each episode is not to persuade the audience to form one opinion. It’s about listening, discussing, understanding. “We want to stimulate thought. That’s our goal! And it’s the most beautiful thing when the community gets involved in this process.”
Patrick and Flo say they get a lot of positive feedback. From people who’d been unsure of themselves, from family members who wanted to build a better understanding, and from those who just stumbled upon the podcast. Of course, there’s always criticism, but that’s also welcome: “We’re not perfect either and we’re also learning new things. And it shows that people have engaged with the topic!”
Although Stadt.Land.Schwul is already one of the most famous queer podcasts in Germany, there’s still room for improvement: “We’re still a niche. Our goal is to reach the masses with our content one day!”. First of all, that requires more awareness of topics like these. With their podcast, Patrick and Flo are well on their way to achieving this goal. We’re happy to be supporting them both.
If you want to know more about Patrick and Flo’s podcast, check out the Stadt.Land.Schwul website and Instagram.