Start with your favorite template
Choose a template to get you going—you can always change it after you sign up.

Looking for more designs? Sign up for a free website and browse over 100 different template variations.
What can you do with JimdoFree
JimdoFree has everything you need to start a basic website. You can add photos, text, blog posts, galleries, videos, social media links, maps, contact forms, and much more other content to your website. Take a look at our feature overview for more details:
Change your template...
... as many times as you want. Your content will stay the same and you won't lose your work.
Use every feature!
No matter which template you choose, you'll be able to use all of the JimdoFree features—online store, blog, etc.
Get online right away
Your website is ready just seconds after you sign up. All changes that you make are live immediately.
Customize your template
Choose your own pictures, colors, fonts, backgrounds, and more—you control exactly how you want your site to look.
Upgrade anytime
Want your own domain and email address? More store items? No problem! Jimdo grows with you and your project.
What about Google?
We've got you covered! Your website comes with the SEO tools you need to appear in search engines results.